"MY EXPERIENCES WITH GENERAL CELLULAR AND NEURAL CELLULAR PATHOLOGY IN A CASE BASED BLENDED LEARNING ECOSYSTEM'S CBBLE " I am N.Vinil Reddy an intern at Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences. This is an e log where I discuss about the various cases I have seen during my UG and internship period . CBBLE PAJR PARTICIPATORY LEARNING ACTION RESEARCH DISCLAIMER NOTE: THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOGBOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE-IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS/HER GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT. HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH A SERIES OF INPUTS FROM THE AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS INTENDING TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE-BASED INPUT. My first case and experience about a 58 yr male with c/o swelling of B/L lower limbs . My first patient interaction had occurred during the medicine postings of 3rd semester. There is a 58yr old male patient lying on the bed in the ne...
40 yr male Pt came to the opd with C/o weakness of the body since 1 month Hopi : pt was apparently asymptomatic 4 yrs back then he developed headache and weakness of body . So , he went to the local doctor and was diagnosed as hypertension. But patient was not taking any medication. So, he again developed weakness of the body since 1 month . Weakness is associated with the the dizziness and sweating . No H/0 nausea , vomiting , burning micturition, constipation . Past H/o : k/C/o HTN since 4yrs but not taking any medication N/k/C/O DM , Asthama , TB , epilepsy, cva , cad ,thyroid. General examination: pt. Was conscious, coherent and cooperative moderately built and well nourished. General examination; No pallor , icterus,cyanosis, clubbing,pedal edema , no lymphadenopathy Vitals Temp- afebrile PR - 90 bpm BP- 170/100mmHg RR- 16CPM Systemic examination CVS- S1,...
Evidence based date wise workflow logs collated by the intern with clickable and verifiable links Case :1 https://chat.whatsapp.com/KL4ow3jjldQ0ovKKklCYNi [06/11/23, 8:11:39 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir GM HOD: The case report link in the description box is incorrect. Share the correct link. See how correct links to your batchmate's online learning portfolios look like at our dashboard here 👇 http://medicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2022/02/?m=0 [06/11/23, 8:13:44 AM] Vinil Reddy: Ok sir [06/11/23, 8:14:09 AM] 75F FEVER , BURNING MICTURATION SINCE 4 DAYS Telangana Pajr: You changed the group description [06/11/23, 8:51:32 AM] Vinil Reddy: S: Fever and burning micturition since 4 days O: pt is conscious, coherent,cooperative. BP: 120/80mmhg PR: 96 RR: 20 Temp: 98.5F RS: BAE+ clear CVS: s1,s2 no added sounds P/A: not tender CNS:NAD A: AKI on CKD with sepsis secondary to UTI P: 1.IV fluids (NS AND RL) 50ml/hr 2.Inj.ceftriaxone 2gm/IV/BD 3.Inj.lasix 20mg/IV /BD ...
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